How to arise & build in facing challenges in life?


How to arise & build in facing challenges in life?


Nehemiah 2:17 Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.” 18 I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me.


They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So they began this good work.






Story of Nehemiah:

Nehemiah is a royal cupbearer  serving the King of Persia.

One day the brother of Nehemiah and some men from Judah visited him and inform him of the broken wall of Jerusalem that was destroyed by fire, Nehemiah knew that if the wall is destroyed then there’s a great risk for his community, they don’t have protection; so, upon hearing it Nehemiah sat down & wept, then he prayed and fast not just for a moment or day but he fasted and prayed for many days; then asked the Lord for specific prayer that May God gave him favor as he will request to  the king of Persia of coming back to their city.

Then one day  as he serve the king, the king noticed his sadness,  the king asked him about his sadness and before Nehemiah answered ' what it is you want? Nehemiah prayed first to God then  told the king about the destruction of the wall and his plan to go back and rebuild the wall; the king also ask how long he will be gone and as Nehemiah told him, the king was pleased and  Because God favored Nehemiah, the king approved his request but not only did he approved but also provided his request about the letter to governor so he could show it to the governor so he could easily passed thru safely  and he also got a the letter to the in charge of timber; to give him timber or tools he will need to build the wall of Jerusalem; and another favor,  even sent with him his armies official and cavalries.

so, when Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem the first thing he did:

-          Toured around the building and inspect the damage and assess the situation; God impressed to him a vision

-          He identifies the problem the came up with a solution & implements the vision

-          Then Nehemiah encouraged the people to help build the wall thru encouraging them who God is and what God did, he then delegates a portion of its wall  to be in charged in one area, or portion. and all were united and cooperated to rebuild the wall.

-          But while doing so, there were discouragement around him, some discouraged them that that it Is impossible to be rebuild but Nehemiah didn’t mind them rather just prayed to the Lord & trust Him;

-          then when enemy learn about their rebuilding of wall, they plan to attack them, but because Nehemiah was favored by the Lord, he learned about the plan of attack, so Nehemiah prepared the people; so while they are building, some are also watching, and other they have their weapon string to their body, one arm tools In building while holding on to weapon in case enemy will attacked; . He also assigned a trumpet that in case they hear the trumpet on one side, others can come to help them out. He was prepared and he help them prepared.

-          so when the enemy learned that they already know their attacked they make another plan, they trying to trick Nehemiah by inviting him to meet up but Nehemiah full of discerning spirit and favored by the Lord, didn’t go for he know it’s a tactic of the enemy

So, less than 2 months the impossible became possible, the great wall of Jerusalem was built because God favored them, and Nehemiah’s vision, faith, courage, implementing the vision, his mission was accomplished.

after it was built , they give thanks, read the book of law and rejoice. he assigned gatekeepers, Levites/ Musician and in-charges as they continue to guard their city.


Like Nehemiah we can learn that in arising and building:

1.Starts with God & in our heart- it’s hard to be successful in life if you don’t acknowledge God & have heart for the task; He asked God`s forgiveness

2. pray and fast- acknowledging the power of God

3.  inspect & assess the situation

4. make a plan of action, when you got a vision, implement the vision

5. be a vision implementor; do not just pray/plan but don’t delay, start doing till finish

6. encouraged yourself and the people and build their faith up; be patient and hopeful

7. learn to delegate or do task one a time or in a precise manner

8.  do not give in to discouragement or negativity

9. be prepared for attack of enemy by having your weapon ready within you, our weapon is prayer and word of God & His promises

10. give thanks to God and celebrate the victory as arising better and building greater with God


Whenever we face challenges in life, whenever God impressed a vision to us, let us pray and fast on it, assess, inspect, make a plan and goal and implement it within God`s direction by trusting Him and leaning to His presence, His Word and His promises in order for us to arise better and build greater with God. Let us be like Nehemiah who has faith, courage and vision to fulfill what God`s will is.

God bless!


I prayed that for all who are facing challenges, give them courage and faith to trust in You. Guide and empower them with Thy Holy Spirit to arise and build in Jesus Name, Amen!

You are our God who never fails, nothing is impossible to those who trust in You!



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