#41 God is in control (Jesus calms the storm)

 God is in control (Jesus calms the storm)


Luke 8:22-25 

 One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.

 The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. 
“Where is your faith?” he asked his 
disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.”

MPCWA (Message, Promise, Command, Warning ,Application)

M- Luke 8:22-25

- Jesus calm the storm

- Who is Jesus? 

- God of nature

- Wind & water obey Him

- Shows the authority of Jesus- He command and it follows

- God is in control , He is in charge

P- with Jesus we can be still

- promise of His Presence & Authority 

C- have faith, do not doubt

( without faith you cannot see..

- know who God is, His authority & Sovereignty; 

W- those who doubt cannot received anything ( like toss in the wind); wag mong pagdudahan ang kapangyarihan ng ating Panginoon

A- trust, believe, have faith

- Exercise our faith ,Let us learn to use God's authority to rebuke the works and plan of the enemy in our life

- Jesus said in this world we will have trouble but He already overcomes, lets us depend on Jesus

- Whatever storm we face we can rest assure that as we trust believe, have faith in God He will do great and mighty things - Jeremiah 29:11 

- Let us study meditate His Word so we will know who He is , His miracles, His divine nature and we will know His Promise and we can claim it coz how could we claim if we don't know His word .. 

- Joshua 1:8-9 Meditate - the ultimate success is having peace in to whatsoever storm we are in coz we know God is in control


Lord, Thank You for I know You are always with us as we face our storm. Thank You for Your protection and help. 

Claiming His Word upon your life.

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