#28 What is our Our Pursuit in Life?

What is our Our Pursuit  in Life?


The one who pursues righteousness and love finds life, bounty, and honor.-Proverbs 21:21 

MPCWA  ( Message; Promise; Commands; Warning; Application)

M- pursue righteousness 

P- brings honor; finds life

C- pursue righteousness and love

W- we will not find honor and life if we will not pursue righteousness

A- do what is right & keep doing what is right in sight of God and men. Blessing overtakes who is righteous and doing what is right. we can start by having right relationship with God, we are "work in progress" to have one accord with God`s law, obeying Him in every areas of our life. When we are right with God, then it will manifest in our life then we can have right relationship with our fellowmen.

" Pursue right & righteous life and you will live right.."


Lord guide and help me to pursue Your Will and Ways!

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