#19 Take care & Guard our Leaders in prayers

Take care & Guard our Leaders in Prayers


Proverbs 27: 18 Whoever tends a fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who guards his master will be honored


Our duty as believers of Christ and belong to a family of God is to take care of what God had entrusted. We should strive to take care with utmost respect as we glorify God in everything. Sow goodness and kindness, give honor to whom honor is due. It is a nature of a transformed Christian to see and share God's love towards all.  Whatever your status or belief God loves us all. We should sow love to everyone , surely you'll reap what you sow. If you sow love, love will be returned back.

It is our duty to pray for our pastors and leaders. Let us Guard them with prayers! Let us Be their prayer warrior! Let us Take care of them in prayers and deeds.

Lets Do our best to be united with one another for God's glory! Supporting one another, love one another!

Make every effort to pray one another. Cease not in praying. Let us all be united in Christ by being united together.


Thank You Lord for All in All! We pray for all Pastors, Leaders and Ministers of Thy Word. Bless, Guide and protect them. Help us to bless them and pray for them always. Let there be unity for Thy Glory and Thy Kingdom. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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